Not Your Mother’s Media: Leveraging Traditional Media Tactics for Max ROI

Planit Agency
August 7, 2017
Not Your Mother’s Media:  Leveraging Traditional Media Tactics for Max ROI Featured Image

We’ve all heard it:

“Print is dead.”
“Millenials are cord cutters.”
“Nobody pays attention to commercials.”

The reality is, none of that is true.
Nielsen is reporting record viewing for top-rated prime programming, and print subscriptions are at an all-time high. Social media feeds are buzzing with real time sports updates. Lunchtime conversations are geared toward last night’s episode of GoT or who won the Bachelorette. Morning radio shows are available to stream around the globe and around the clock. And everyone’s favorite DJ or podcast host has their own pages for fans to follow.

Americans are consuming more media than ever across all channels and tactics. They’re not cutting back from reading magazines or listening to the radio―they’re simply consuming the information in
different ways, through online subscriptions and alternative channels, or multitasking across any number of devices at any given time.

Check out this video on how traditional media tactics continue to drive awareness and increase overall ROI for brands.